Thursday, September 25, 2008

Online High School: Is it right for you-th?

Recently in class we have been discussing the idea of online college courses and the value they can have. Within the last few years, though, not only have large amounts of colleges resorted to the use of an online classroom, but now even high school students can earn their diploma online. This may seem to have many of the advantages related to college courses online such as the ability to move at your own pace, freedom of interpretation, and the especially important effect it has for introverts. But because high school happens for most at an age of important development, students could be missing out on key skills they may not have access to through online classrooms.

An article assessing the advantages and disadvantages of an online diploma ( points out that not only do students miss out on opportunities such as prom, senior week, and graduation; they also miss out on important social skills that may be necessary to function in society. Although online classrooms usually include discussion forums and chats between students in the class, online communication, as we have discussed in class, lacks a great deal of social cues that may be needed for both interpretation of the content as well as application of speech skills in a real life setting. High school acts for most teenagers as a time for developing into the adult. Friends, teachers, and social situation are all contribute to the experiences an individual will have during these vital years. If a student spends his high school shut in the comfort of his own home, communicating primarily with family and students strictly through internet usage, the chances of him maturing through new experiences are extremely unlikely.

Now keep in mind there is always the alternative side to any argument. Some students simply cannot tolerate social situations, have had a life stressor disabling them from attending school, or they cannot learn or focus in a traditional classroom setting. In this case, online education is extremely beneficial and important in the learning process for these individuals. There are, though, a handful of students who use the luxury of online learning as a way to simply "blow off" school. Most of these students thrive off the idea that they won't have to wake up in the morning, deal with teachers calling their houses when they misbehave, or having to spend countless hours studying for exams. These students, unfortunately, are another example of the disadvantages online high schools have for students. This disables them from learning to tolerate discipline and instead enable them to avoid rules which could, in the future, get them into trouble with a force must stronger than parents or teachers: The law.


Nicole said...

I think that this is really interesting. I know that I don't think I would have been able to handle online courses when I was in high school. I would never of learned how to socially interact with other people of my own age. Discipline would only have come from my parents. Plus I think that my grades would have suffered, because I am a visual learner and I need somebody teaching the material to me because I am not very good at teaching myself.

But you are right, having class on the internet in high school will interfere with face to face communication, and generations to come will become more dependent on CMC and less dependent on other people.

Hopefully high schools will not implement this teaching technique for quite a few more years!

Tiff said...
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Tiff said...

I can definitely relate to this article because high school is when I developed a variety if skills that I did not know I had. It is an important age to develop many skills that online classes can't offer. Skills that they would have to learn through verbal communication and social settings. I definitely don't believe that discussion forums and chats make up for social interaction.
I belive that someone will only mature when they have gone through experiences and don't avoid them by hiding. I feel like the computer is a shield that allows one to hide. I agree with Jenn when she says that the chances of someone maturing through new experiences is slim when hiding on the comforts of home.

Anonymous said...

I learned a lot about this article. I doubt that I could of taken online classes in high school, because I was already doing too much. But one of my friends that lived in a different school district took online classes and she did stuggle, but she did learn a lot as well. If I had to take online classes, it would of been hard because I liked to interact with my friends in school.