Saturday, December 13, 2008

Final Reflective Blog :-(

Well it seems we've reached the end of our fall semester far faster than I could have guessed. Looking back on the past few months, I have gained an overwhelming amount of knowledge on many subjects I was not previoulsy familiar with (some much better than others!) This course, among others, indefinitely gave me insight to many concepts I hadn't considered.

To begin with, ask me 5 months ago what CMC was and I might have given you an answer about maybe a "country music concert." Sounds reasonable enough, but throughout this semester I have been exposed to many new forms of electronic communication, via the web and other sources. We dove into areas of business knowledge, such as linked-in, and we even checked out social resorts like Second-Life. While I may not agree with all of the ideas behind each of these websites, what is important is that I now understand why some people do.

Electronic communication surrounds us, whether in school, in jobs, or in our everyday lives. Some form of electronics is always in use, and most of this is based from the internet. To me the most miraculous part of this class was really looking into how much CMC has developed over the past few years, especially regarding sites like Facebook! When I came to college and got Facebook, it was just something to do, a way to meet other new students. Now Facebook consumes a great portion of the social networking community, and has advanced from just simply exchange of information to mass amounts of applications and a play-by-play mini feed for all your friends.

If there is one thing I hope I have taken from this class, it is to have an open mind about the way people choose to interact. Whether or not I may like to acknowledge it, many of these blog forums and even online dating sites, do meet the criteria for "communities" and many people feel extremely connected to them (no pun intended). In the future, I may come across an oppurtunity to really seize one of these social networks or communities for my own benefit, as sites such as linked-in do seem very resourcful. Luckily, this class has given me the ability to know how to utilize them. I only hope that the technology doesn't advance so much between now and then that my knowledge of them goes to waste! I guess only time will tell.

Have a wonderful Christmas break Everyone, :-)

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